Dear Trail User,

While there is not an industry standard of rating trail difficulty, there is guidance that we can provide to you about the County Park trails. Of course, perception of difficulty will also vary with your hiking experience and level of fitness. An experienced trail hiker may not think that a 15-mile loop is challenging but a less fit individual may be challenged to complete a one-mile loop. You are the best judge of these factors.

Weather conditions will affect your trail hiking experience. Hiking a trail on a rainy cool day in December will be a very different experience than on a hot August day. It is important to dress in layers, carry a hat and sunglasses and bring lots of water.

If you are unsure where your fitness and comfort level fits within these ratings, it is best to start with an easier hike and add more as you gain confidence and experience. And remember that each of these ratings is for one individual trail. If your planned hike combines more than one trail, the difficulty may increase due to a longer distance.

Please check the weather, carry a map, and have fun.

  • Up to two miles long
  • Flat or nearly level terrain
  • Little change in elevation (< 250’)
  • Two to four miles long
  • Moderate terrain
  • Some change in elevation (250’ to 750’)
  • More than four miles long
  • Variable terrain
  • More change in elevation (> 750’)